When will Fortnite Servers be Back Up

Are you also curious about why Fortnite was down and when it will be back? Then this post will be helpful for you. So, let’s get started.

Is Fortnite down?

Yes, the Fortnite servers are currently down, which means you can’t play. The servers were shut down for maintenance starting at 1 a.m. ET on June 22. Since this is a major update, we expect Fortnite downtime to be longer.

According to Epic Games, the downtime will end at 4 a.m. ET. However, the game developer has not always given accurate estimates on downtime.

We will continue to update this page with the latest details, but the current status of the Fortnite servers is unlikely to change for at least an hour. Please note that some downtimes for the new seasons lasted more than four hours, which could be the case with this update as well.

Why are the Fortnite servers down?

Epic Games disables the Fortnite servers with every update. This is quite a complicated process, which is why the game developer makes the game unavailable for a few hours. Since the development team sometimes encounters issues during the downtime, this process sometimes takes much longer.

When will the Fortnite servers be back up?

Epic Games rarely gives an exact ETA for the Fortnite server downtime. This is mainly because not even the development team can predict how long the process will take. Because of this, no one knows when the Fortnite servers will be back up. However, we expect the downtime to last at least two hours. If everything goes according to plan, the Fortnite servers should be back up by 3 or 4 am ET.

If you want to know more about the server status, check the Fortnite Status account on X. You can also check the status page on the official Epic Games website, although this page takes a while to refresh.

If you’re interested in more content, check out our guide on how to get free skins in Fortnite. To level up quickly and complete the current Battle Pass, use one of our Fortnite XP cards and also check out this great method to get cheaper V-Bucks.

Fortnite Servers Unresponsive – Frequently Asked Questions

Do we know exactly when the Fortnite servers will be back up?

The Fortnite servers are currently down and no one knows when they will be back up. Since we’re getting a new major update, the downtime will likely last at least two hours, but it could be much longer.

Why is there a Fortnite queue?

Lots of players are trying to log in, that’s why there’s a Fortnite queue. There are probably millions of players wanting to join, but not all of them can access the game at the same time.

Can I skip the queue in Fortnite?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to skip the queue in Fortnite. You’ll have to wait for the countdown to finish before you can enter the game.

Can I play Fortnite while the servers are down?

You won’t be able to play any Fortnite modes during the downtime. Whether you like Battle Royale, Creative, or Save the World, all of these modes are currently down.

When can I play Fortnite again?

You’ll be able to play Fortnite again in a few hours. We’ll update this article once the servers are back up, which shouldn’t take more than two or three hours.

What is the longest downtime in Fortnite?

Fortnite’s longest downtime occurred at the end of Chapter 1. It lasted about a day and a half, and the only thing players could see on their screens was the black hole. This was Epic Games’ way of introducing players to the new chapter.